Boeken Tuinwinkel Botanische Tuinen Utrecht

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333 Nederlandse titels die volgens de administratie op voorraad zijn (klik op het plaatje voor info).

Buitenlandse boeken (190)

Mountain Flowers – Pyrenees and Picos

geen plaatje   A ring-bound pocket field guide to the flora of these fascinating mountains, where the flowers of Northern Europe meet those of the Mediterranean region. The book is a sequel to the popular guide to the Dolomites by the same authors, both well-known and active AGS members. More than 170 species are beautifully illustrated and arranged by flower colour and habitat, avoiding technical language where possible. It will appeal to those with little botanical knowledge but is sufficiently detailed to be enjoyed and used by the more experienced plant enthusiast.
Auteur: Cliff Booker David Charlton

Voorraad 1 ex

Prijs: 12,45